domingo, novembro 13, 2005

Respondendo aos comentários aqui, porque a ferramenta de comentários não está funcionando.

Florista - Fui aprovada para ter corrigida a parte discursiva da prova do Iphan.
E o NaNo é um evento anual que reúne pessoas loucas no mundo inteiro. A meta é escrever 50.000 palavras em 30 dias; pode ser um romance, ficção científica, fantasia etc. :)

bernardo - Ano que vem você entra! :)

2 comentários:

O Bernardo disse...

Ano que vem haverá mais TPs e mais documentações...
"Right here. Right now. I'll kick your ass, and that of your fully-armed gang of friends, barehanded." Adorei isso.

O teste de personagem de livro parou de funcionar depois do "love life". Acho que o criador não achou que alguém daria respostas tão bizarras nesta parte e deixou a calculadora de resultados despreparada. Aí ela deu pau.

O Bernardo disse...

An Imaginary Friend
Your score was 55 in Unbelievability!
You are your author's imaginary friend, but you're not really the type of character fiction writers should aim for.
You're more than a little out of the ordinary. You might have had some really crazy experiences, or have an unusual talent or two. Maybe you were even born with a tail. Whatever it is that makes you unique, it does the job well, because there are very few people like you on this planet.

A novel with you as a character would be a guilty pleasure to read. It would be considered intellectual junk food, of course, but damn fun to read nonetheless. Even if many people didn't want to pay actual money to read about you and your exploits, surely it would be checked out from the library at least... once every couple of months. My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender.
You scored higher than 66% on Implausibility.

Que pena... Eu gostaria de ser uns 95% implausível...